「"Piano Cube" is the meaning of "the cube of the piano", but an infinite multiplier is born without different genre, it draw the good point of each genre, the good point of each artist not a style having three sets of simple piano and pianists each other because individual pianists gather in each genre, and remaining in "a cube".
Piano Cube を一過性の企画とは捉えず、それぞれがソロ活動で吸収したものをピアノキューブに出しながら、
1つのライフワークとして続けていきたいという思いで取り組んでおります。3人によるピアノの名曲はもちろん、Piano Cube のオリジナル曲も作成し、ソロあり、デュオあり、まさに音の玉手箱。
Not to mention the famous tune of the piano by three, make the original piece of music of Piano Cube, and have it of solo, and there is duo; is right the toy box of the sound.